Vision, Mission, Values
Who We Are
Vision, Mission, Values
TPSDI Purpose - Our Educational Vision
"To be the Best-in-Class Training Institute for Contemporary and Future Industrial Skills to empower people in a sustainable manner."
TPSDI Mission 3.0
We will be
Customer-centric in all that we do.
We will
optimally leverage training infrastructure for demonstration, hands-on and practical training.
We will be
a Learning Organization.
We will
focus on application-oriented practical training, beyond mere cognitive learning, as our USP.
We will
leverage State-of-Art technology and processes to develop and deliver training.
We will be
the preferred partner for industrial competency development at all levels, with special emphasis on the power sector domain.
We will be
a preferred training partner for Educational Institutions in areas where industrial skills improve employability.
We will
work closely with the Public Sector to leverage various Government schemes for training.
We will
enhance employability for Youth as our social responsibility through training.
We will
establish an International footprint through Learning Consultancy and Delivery.
We will
Benchmark with the best in Power Sector.
TPSDI Values
Being part of Tata Power, TPSDI has enshrined the 'SCALE' as Value system: